“Some of my earliest memories are of being alone,” he spoke coolly to the cavernous room. The bloodied, bruised, miserable and broken man w...

“Some of my earliest memories are of being alone,” he spoke coolly to the cavernous room. The bloodied, bruised, miserable and broken man w...
Erythis’s very soul felt strained, worn, and tired. Her body was fit and pure, but it was as though she had rotted from the inside out. Beh...
“Wait, how many children have you adopted?” Erythis looked over at Alorinis with incredulity. They had been walking for hours, though the ...
Erythis lowered her free hand to her side, letting the apple core she held fall to the ground. “I am Erythis Firestorm, Lady of the Sel’bel...
Erythis tossed and turned tumultuously, the silken sheets of her bedroll sliding against her near naked form. She shuddered against the coo...
An uneasy silence fell over Erythis and her princely companion as they descended the stairs together. Her guard , as Adrynar has politely p...
Erythis felt eyes immediately shift to her as the Prince-Regent stumbled backward, being immediately caught by Princess Elyadrin and one of...
Any magister, sorceress, witch or any kind of magic-borne individual aspired to instantaneous transportation, but it took tact to realise t...
What was most apparent was a strong fragrance: lilacs. It drifted around the room, lulling any intruder into a sense of peace and security....
“Erythis! Get back!” The old knight bellowed worriedly as his fiery tressed companion charged their opponent. The clack of heels echoed off...