Adventures of The Eclipse
A Collection of Stories by Lovely Lyssa


In the year 3145, the civilizations of Earth fight over control of a single landmass, forged from the rise and fall of the human empire. Years ago, after discovering the true origin of mankind came from the stars, a select group of individuals, who call themselves, 'Kaneren,' tapped into the secrets of the homo-sapien genome and evolved beyond the previous reach of mankind. Instead of sharing their wisdom and technology with the rest of the world, they positioned themselves as rulers and gods, enslaving the lesser humans while performing genetic experiments in order to create new races altogether. Those who rebel against the Kaneren call themselves, 'The Eclipse,' and fight to create a free and just world. 


Destination: New Babylon

Viper's Revenge

Rise of the Night Serpent

Part One

Call of the Jackal
Part One

Part One

In Chronological Order
Daughter of Gods
Call of the Jackal - Part One
Rise of the Night Serpent - Part One
Rise of the Night Serpent - Part Two
Destination: New Babylon - Part One
Destination: New Babylon - Part Two
Viper's Revenge - Part One
Destination: New Babylon - Part Three
Viper's Revenge - Part Two
Destination: New Babylon - Part Four
Destination: New Babylon - Part Five
Viper's Revenge - Part Three
Destination: New Babylon - Part Six
Destination: New Babylon - Part Seven
Mirage - Part One


Warning: May Contain Spoilers

Sam - Commander, Boy Wonder, Genius

What We've Learned so Far
Sammy is the current leader of The Eclipse rebellion. He was a gifted boy who grew up as a student of the North Star Academy, alongside his closest friend, Elsa. He calls Jedd his uncle. Despite being the leader, he's the youngest member of the rebellion's core team. He feels very close with The Eclipse's flagship, the E.C. Umbra.

Current Age: 16
Hair: Short, Brown
Height: 5’9
Build: Slim, Not Very Muscular
Traits: Brainy, Spunky, Protective of his Crew(Especially Elsa), Gutsy
Typical Appearance: High-tech goggles on his head or around his neck, casual, plain shirts, shorts or baggy pants(often with straps), tennis shoes or boots

Elsa - The Cannon, ‘Sergeant’, Tinker

What We've Learned so Far
Elsa went to North Star Academy alongside Sam, who she has a keen fondness for and considers to be her best friend. Despite being an expert with machines, weapons, and building things, she has a secret passion for art. She usually has a cheery disposition and loves piloting the W.H.Vs(weaponized humanoid vehicles), as well as handling large firearms.

Current Age: 18
Hair: Long, Purple, Usually in Pig-Tails
Height: 5’10
Traits: Mechanically Gifted, Tinkerer, Trigger Happy, Cheerful/Whimsy, Artsy, Gutsy, Caring
Typical Appearance: shorts(sometimes with long skirts with slits or side-skirts over them) and shirts/tops that reveal a little skin(she usually has her stomach exposed), boots, a large cannon-rifle on her back

Jedd - The Guardian

What We've Learned so Far

Not much is currently known about the gargantuan man named Jedd. He seems to have been with The Eclipse for some time, and knew Sam's father. Sam refers to him as, 'uncle.'

Current Age: Unknown, Looks to be 30-40
Hair: Short, Black
Height: 6’4
Traits: Firm, Stoic, Instilled with Duty, Has a Temper, Protective
Typical Appearance: Military/combat style clothes, dark/tan skin, black, tribal markings on face, left eye removed and replaced with cybernetic eye, bulky/muscular

Vanessa - Time Traveler, Truth Seeker, The Interface

What We've Learned so Far

Vanessa, her boyfriend Kevin, and her brother Anthony came to West City after traveling through a rift in time from the past(21st century) as a result of The Eclipse activating a piece of technology known as a displacement drive. Always thinking that there she was meant to fulfill some purpose, Vanessa took it upon herself to gather knowledge about both the past and future, from the E.C. Umbra's internal console, which was a vast library of information and the guiding intelligence of the craft. In a desperate move to save an injured Elsa during a vital mission, she merged her mind with the Umbra's interface to take control of a remote craft, causing her consciousness to become the new interface. She was forced to leave her body behind, but can project an image of herself wherever she wishes.

Current Age: 23
Hair: Long, Brown
Height: 5'8
Traits: Good Memory, Intelligent, Curious, Passionate, Thirst for Adventure, Dreamer
Typical Appearance: Not much is known about Vanessa's style. She arrived in West City in nothing but her pajamas. Although, she seems to like the various Eclipse uniforms and projects herself wearing them. She wears a thin pair of glasses with black frames.

Draziel - The Kaneren who Rebelled, Lightning Rod

What We've Learned so Far

Draziel is a Kaneren who was raised to oppose the ways of his people after his parents rejected the high society, and instead he walks among humanity as their equal. He seems to have feelings for Viper and wants to protect her, despite her feeling as if she needs no one but herself. He tries, consistently, to get her to reveal more of her past and secrets to him.

Current Age: Unknown, Looks to be 25-35.
Hair: Medium Length, Black
Height: 6'2
Traits: Persistent, Passionate, Focused, Agile, Psychic Ability, Weather Control
Typical Appearance: Dark, Leathers, Coats, Cowls, Gothic

Viper - The Night Serpent, Oracle of Krynia

What We've Learned so Far

Abandoning her former name, Arika, the strange woman calls herself 'Viper' after identifying herself with serpents. Hailing from a place called Krynia, a place the Kaneren call a, 'bio-dome,' she left her home after learning that it was a false reality, leaving turmoil and destruction in her wake. Haunted by her past, she devotes her entire existence to seeking revenge upon those who deceived her people and intends to one day return to her homeland to liberate those who remain. She finds herself a part of The Eclipse, but remains a mystery to its members: especially Draziel, who is determined to unravel her secrets. She seems to have some sort of relationship with him, but is conflicted by the fact that he is a Kaneren, and shares the face of her enemy.

Current Age: Unknown, Looks to be in her 20s
Hair: Long, Golden
Height: 6'
Traits: Stoic, Determined, Serious, Brooding, Truth Seeking, Hates Liars, Judgmental, Focused, Troubled, Quick-Witted, Fast, Inhuman Strength, Has 'Glimpses' of Visions, Weapons Expert
Typical Appearance: skin-tight leathers, golden eyes(reptilian), occasionally scales will appear on her skin(usually on her face), fingernails can extend in length


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