Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The smell of the cold brisk morning breeze hit Saren's face as the transport made dock in the city of Sel'Belore.  Translated into common Sel'Belore was the "Shore of the Sun" though today was hardly a day of sunshine, the morning fog had yet to lift as Saren put one boot on the dock.  He was home, after years of volunteering in the Argent Crusade.. he was home.  He heard a yell in a distance, echoing through the fog.

"Saren!" Said an excited voice as a girl no older then the age of fourteen running down the pier, arms outstretched with blonde hair in pigtails.  He picked the girl up in a hug.

"Mellony, you got big!" Saren said, it had been nearly four years, the girl had changed since then, taller, blossoming into womanhood.  He sat her down.  Mellony was the daughter of one of the magisters who had tutored him at an early age, the magister walked up to Saren, shaking his hand.

"Glad to see you alive and well Master Saren."  The silver-haired magister said with a warm smile, "Mellony, be a good lass and instruct the servants to attend to Saren's possessions, he's had a long journey and we have much to speak of."

The girl frowned, "But dad... "

"Mellony..."  The magister said in a stern voice, to which his daughter let out a sigh and went back to the servants, leaving the two to speak in private as they trodded down the docks.

"Been alot of changes since you left Master Saren, but it is good to see you back."  The magus said with a sigh.

"It would of been later if it wasn't for preasure from the Kirin Tor to remove all sin'dorei from northrend."  Saren admitted with disapointment.

"The Argent Crusade lost a good knight... no matter, you've come at a time of transition.  Your great uncle is back from the dead it would seem."  He explained.

Saren stopped midway to the docks, looking to the magister.  "That means my mother--"

"Correct, is no longer Countess of Sel'Belore.  And that is not all."  The magister pointed to the flags that was barely visible in the sea breeze.  Typically the emblem of Silvermoon and House Del'Var would flap proudly.  The pole that held the crescent of House Del'Var had a second flag, a phoenix of House Firestorm.

It didn't take Saren long to put and two together, "And has married Duchess Firestorm...."

"Not yet, but the formalities is already occuring.  House Firestorm is merging with House Del'Var."  The magister explained, "Naturally.. the families are not happy about this Saren, including your father's."

"Of course they arnt, with my uncles return I am no longer heir, my mother is."  Jerarld said, "Until they bare a son that is."

"I am sorry Saren, you would of made a good lord." The magister said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I never truely wanted it anyway, though I imagine mother is furious." The young knight said, "And I'll keep the Darkfyre's in check, they are nothing more then rabble anyway - my father was the exception to their idiocy."

"May Raiev rest in peace."  The magister said in a respectful tone, "..... High-Lord Del'Var arranged an agreement with SI:7 to have his body returned."

Saren let out a sigh, "It's just a body Richalst..."

"I know Saren, but we can at last pay our respects to one of Sel'Belore's finest sons."

Two men in boiled leather armor stepped in front of the two, the taller of the two having his hand on the hilt of his longsword.  "Boss wants a word with you Saren."  He said, spitting to the side.

"Of course he does... Richalst, I'll see you at the manor."  The magister bowed his head in respect and parted ways as Saren followed the two men down to the warehouses of the docks, into a larger open, empty warehouse where a one-eared, shaggy looking sin'dorei sat on a single chair, smoking what had to be bloodthistle.

"The mighty, and honorable son returns from the winter north.."  HE said with an exaderated tone of respect, "You let your proper place as lord slip boy."

"Disapointed uncle?"  He said, approaching the man with a snicker.

"Watch your tone boy... we can still fix this."

"Oh?  How?  Shall we beg my grand uncle to not take whats rightfully his?"  Saren said with a roll of his eyes.  "It's over uncle, you won't have a darkfyre as lord."

".... There are other ways Saren.  It is the law of nature after all.. the strong consume the weak... "  The uncle said, grinning fully with gold showing in his teeth.

Saren's reaction was quick and perceise, the blade of his bastard sword was out, the shriek of the metal echoing and the blade on his uncle's neck before him or the other two men could even unsheath their own blades, the older man kept his hands up, eyeing his help to back off.  "Shall we exercise an example?"  Saren growled.

"You don't have the balls boy.  Still heard you're a virgin after all.. perhaps its because you don't have anything to do the deed."  The old man remarked, his grin not removing forom his face

Saren sighed, removing the blade and sheathing it, he turned to begin to walk away.

"See!?  Mira raised a pussy!  Too bad for her, I heard she's letting anyone into your father's "holdings" these days."  He taunted.

Saren stopped, then turned and unleashed a volly of light of energy out of his hand, slamming the old sin'dorei against the wall.  "Talk about my mother again, and I will uphold my families honor... the DEL'VAR'S FAMILY HONOR."  Saren warned, the two sin'dorei guards unsheathed their swords, circling Saren.

The old man coughed, spitting blood to the ground, "Let him go boys, he does not belong here... stuck up brat forgot his blood with that silver spoon in his mouth.  He also forgets that I'll remember this...."

Saren spat to the ground and left the warehouse, leaving his uncle's help to clean up the bloody mess on the ground.


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