You were putting on makeup before me,
It was a strange sight to see!
‘You’re too young for that shit,’ I drawled, pretending to be calm,
When in reality my heart was pounding – what next, prom?
You laughed at me, blushing with embarrassment for being caught.
It was only a bit of eyeliner which you had bought.
Then you leave early and stay out late,
I sat at home, and did nervously wait.
My little sister, grown up so fast; where she once played with dolls,
Now she would walk down high school halls.
Hangovers and finals, you seen them all,
Meanwhile I saw them years before, but you wanted to mess up and take the fall.
‘It’s a learning lesson,’ you scream at me, slamming your door and going to sleep.
I only stood there, confused and starting to weep.
You’re a frustrating girl, so erratic and yet meek.
My hair’s a little thinner than I’d like to admit,
You live with that guy – the one with the nice car, and you say he’ll commit.
But I’m your brother and I always know best,
He’s just a fool and he’ll put you to the test,
But your life is yours and I’ll just stand here and smile.
Though when you come knocking and seeking my arms, asking to stay a while?
A little sister who needed me then, you can stay with me as long as you like,
You’ll find I’m not like your friends, and I’m never far: it’s not a hike.
Just remember when you’re happy and well,
When your prince has come and put you under his spell,
I’ll be there, clapping and smiling.
Tears in my eyes and heart on my sleeve,
My little baby sister, a grown lady that eve.
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