Monday, March 10, 2014

Soft crests of foamy white,
as tides lay down,
wash over me.
With weightless,
breezy dreams,
floating away
on a mother's song,
swaying chimes,
a promise,
treasure my ears keep.

The distant drum of noise
and busy days
silenced by gulls,
gentle waves.
Footsteps trace,
marking the shoreline,
old and new
an echo of laughter,
long ago reverie.

White sails on the horizon dance,
hustle and bustle far away.
Drown out doubt and worry,
alone in my special place.
Upon warm sand,
sifting through my fingers,
this place called solace,
carry me far,
far away.

Endless blue,
sun cover my skin,
painting my eyelids with fire,
consuming my sin.
Blanket me in comforting silks,
tangle my body,
in elegance first.
To ready me,
for extacy,
surrender in whole,
bride of the universe.

I'll float upwards,
free of weights,
separated from gravity,
an offering so fine.
Rapture in clarity,
I am no longer mine,
one with the world,
I drink in the sky,
before I plummet back to Earth,
rousing to life,
again a part of time.

mine and mine alone,
I will return very soon,
again in your hold.
My one true love,
from whom I will never be spurned,
will always welcome me
whenever I wish to return.


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